Monday, February 16, 2009

Papa needs a hair cut.

Bella loves to play "Mama", which means she walks around the house with my purse, keys, gift cards, and has now decided to add real paper money to the list. I don't usually carry cash with me, so the first time I gave her some it was a $5 or $20. I quickly decided that I needed to start carrying $1's, it would suck to lose more than a dollar or two at at time.

The first time she really looked at the one dollar bill she decided that George Washington was Papa, Papa, Papa! I'm taking that as a sign that Papa might need a hair cut : ) It is too cute, when she has the bill in her hand - she says "call Papa, call Nana and Papa". This happens quite often around 7am which is much too early to call. Which then turns into repeated "Nana, Papa seeping" for the rest of the morning!

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