Thursday, July 31, 2008

Beauty regimen...

Bella has started her beauty regimen early! In the morning, while I'm doing my makeup, hair, and putting on lotion, Bella pretends to do the exact same thing. Today she was using her toothbrush as a hairbrush...for all those lovely locks she has : )

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Bella has learned to say "up", although it really means to her "throw me up in the air"! While we were at story time today we were singing songs, with actions and I threw her up in the air as one of them - she loved it!! She has always loved these songs, but this is the first time that she has been able to tell us that she wants to do it again. Or rather the first time we have understood that she wants us to do it again : )

This evening we went to our first neighbourhood BBQ to meet our new neighbours. It was nice to meet some of the people that we have been passing in the hallway, and the owners of the dogs we hear barking. Bella was the only girl in the attendance while about ten little boys were running around...she will have her pick of boyfriends in the future.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Way to go Gabe!!

Tonight, I went out for my monthly Mom's night out dinner with my friends, and when I came home Bella was asleep in her crib!! Gabe put her in her pj's and read her some books and he asked her if she wanted to go to sleep, she signed sleep and said "seep" and then walked over to her crib. He put her in bed, and then held her little hand until she fell asleep. This is the first time that Bella has been put to sleep without nursing beforehand!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ouch that hurts...

Bella seems to be teething again - or at least I hope that is the reason for her latest biting rampage. Bella's top three teeth are about half way in, and her two bottom teeth - meaning it freaking hurts when she bites!! She broke skin on my shoulder this morning, I expect to see a bruise tomorrow. Then bit a tiny chunk out of my thigh (through jeans) a little later this not cool. We are trying to redirect her to things she is allowed to bite - but it is a slow learning process.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Colds Suck!!

Bella seems to have picked up the cold that the rest of the family was fighting in Victoria. She is just not herself, and her nose is running like crazy! Hopefully, it won't last too long. We had to skip our play date this morning because we didn't want to get any of the other kids sick as well. At least with this cold when we tell her that we want to wipe her nose she usually lets us - which I don't recall being the case with the last one.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Wedding...

Bella attended her first wedding today, and had a great time. Congratulations, Linda and Taiki!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Book Worm!

While, Gabe was reading books to Bella this evening he was able to teach her the word and sign for book. They came out of her room to tell me what she had learned - saying and signing book, book book... Needless to say she got a few extra books read to her tonight : )

Ohh...she also learned to say shoes as I was putting her to sleep. She walked over to her shoes grabbed one, and said shooos...our little smartie pants!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pound it!!

Gabe taught Bella "high five, low five, and pound it". Here she is doing it with Kris....too cute! This latest trick has been quite a hit...

Friday, July 11, 2008

A day filled with firsts..

1) I got yelled at by another mother at the park!
Bella bit her little friend Ben today, and I didn't notice so Jill (Ben's mom) yelled "Bella no biting" (no big deal at all). Two minutes later Bella did her - pull your hair and pulls you in for a bite/kiss, thing to some strangers little girl. As soon as I saw her reaching in, I go running over and say gentle and and trying to get her off the little girl (maybe 2) - the mom yells "GET YOUR KID OFF MY DAUGHTER" - she was bottle feeding her younger child so it wouldn't have been a problem for her to come and help, but no she YELLED at me. I say "Sorry, I'm doing my best" while I was pulling Bella's hands out of the little girls hair. She comes over to soothe her crying child. I apologize, and give her the I'm sorry look, that I thought most mothers understand - but apparently not.

2) Played in the water, and sand at Newcastle beach park.
We went and did this promptly after I got yelled at : ) Nana, and Papa had taken her to the beach before - but this was a first for me and Bella together.

3) Ate an entire banana..
Bella is getting better and better with eating more solids every day!

4) Napped in her crib...
Bella didn't want to fall asleep on me while we sat on the couch for her nap, so I thought I would give her crib a try. It worked!!

5) Bonfire party!
We went to Christy's birthday party tonight and Bella was a hit. Everyone thought it was great that she was in such a great mood, past her bedtime - and the fact that we let her play with empty beer bottles!

6) Started out the night sleeping in her crib...
She was tuckered out after the party, so we thought we could give the crib another try. She did great, and stayed there until she woke up at 2am and brought her back into bed with us.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Doe Head...

My brain hasn't been working very well lately, and today was a prime example!

Thursday mornings, we volunteer at the Evergreen 9-12 month parent baby class. We finished up and headed to the car, when someone I sort of recognized walked by us - we said hello. I unlocked the car, threw my baby bag onto the passenger seat, and keys on the drivers I always do. The person who we just said hello to turned around and called my name, we chatted for a second. It turned out to be Christine one of the parent baby class instructors who teaches on a different day. I haven't seen her in months. During all of this I managed to press the power lock button on the door and then close it, locking everything inside! Thank goodness, I was still wearing Bella at the time and hadn't managed to strap her into her car seat.

Bella and I walked back to class to use the phone - seeing as mine is in the car!! In my state I couldn't remember Gabe's cell phone number : ( Thankfully, he eventually picked up his office line, and gave me our AAA number. I called them and an hour and a half later a really nice guy came and unlocked the door. Putting the metal thing in between the door and in the window, just like in the movies!

Good thing we were among friends! Miss Bella was great during all of this - she played with the younger 6-9 month kids, and then took a much needed nap while in her carrier.

At least this time I didn't lock Bella in the car, but I think it might be time for me to get a spare : )

Monday, July 7, 2008

Just like Mama...

We got new cell phones this weekend so I gave Bella my old phone to play with. Best toy ever apparently!! She has been walking around all afternoon chatting away with it glued to her ear. Holding it to her ear with her should so that she can still play, read, run around, eat, and lounge on Pascal. Apparently, I multi task a little too often : )

Even funnier - just like mama... Bella now imitates what the true use for toilet paper is, while standing in the hallway outside the bathroom.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!!

Although, Bella is the only American in the house we still celebrate - to keep her traditions going even if she has know idea : ) We had a morning playgroup forth party at a friends house before a nice long nap! It rained all morning, with thunder and lightening so we weren't able to have our picnic in the park. Welcome to summer weather in Seattle! Later, that night from our bedroom window we had a view of 5 sets of fireworks including the ones from downtown Seattle! Thankfully, Bella was able to sleep through it all!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Twist and shake...

Bottles are no longer just for shaking. Bella has figured out that you can twist the cap on and off now, which means we have to be a little more careful will what we let her play with. No more contact cases, lotion, tooth paste, shampoo...all the good bathroom stuff : ) Her favourite bottle to play with is either mine or Gabe's Sigg water bottle. Hours of entertainment!! This morning on found cereal in hers when I was filling it up - so we may end up swallowing all sorts of neat stuff one day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Oh Canada...

Happy Canada Day!!

Bella hung out and Gabe's office for a couple of hours while I ran some errands. She wanted to run around and show off her cute Canada Day T-shirt : ) Friends came over for dinner and drinks tonight, and Bella put on a perfect show for them. She sure wanted our cocktails - she just wanted to join in on all the adult fun!