Thursday, July 10, 2008

Doe Head...

My brain hasn't been working very well lately, and today was a prime example!

Thursday mornings, we volunteer at the Evergreen 9-12 month parent baby class. We finished up and headed to the car, when someone I sort of recognized walked by us - we said hello. I unlocked the car, threw my baby bag onto the passenger seat, and keys on the drivers I always do. The person who we just said hello to turned around and called my name, we chatted for a second. It turned out to be Christine one of the parent baby class instructors who teaches on a different day. I haven't seen her in months. During all of this I managed to press the power lock button on the door and then close it, locking everything inside! Thank goodness, I was still wearing Bella at the time and hadn't managed to strap her into her car seat.

Bella and I walked back to class to use the phone - seeing as mine is in the car!! In my state I couldn't remember Gabe's cell phone number : ( Thankfully, he eventually picked up his office line, and gave me our AAA number. I called them and an hour and a half later a really nice guy came and unlocked the door. Putting the metal thing in between the door and in the window, just like in the movies!

Good thing we were among friends! Miss Bella was great during all of this - she played with the younger 6-9 month kids, and then took a much needed nap while in her carrier.

At least this time I didn't lock Bella in the car, but I think it might be time for me to get a spare : )

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