Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Perfect Student

We went to a workshop today that ran from 9-4 and Bella couldn't have been better behaved. She slept, ate, played , never a fussy time that lasted more then 30 seconds, and in general was the perfect baby. It was 4 expecting couples and one with a 3 month old whom they left with a sitter for the first time today. I really hope that Bella isn't the only baby that these parents are going to see before their own child's birth - because if it is they are in for a very RUDE awakening.

The workshop is called Bringing Baby Home, and is supposed to help give you tips on dealing with the stresses of being new parents. The premise is that if you have a strong happy marriage, you will be able to raise strong happy kids, and making sure that your marriage remains a top priority. We don't really think we learned anything new, or outstanding today, but it was nice to get a little refresher, and spend some time thinking about us. We both know that we need to try and find ways to spend more time together, but that will come in time. We finish up the workshop next week, so it will be interesting to see what we learn then.

Bella has set a serious precedent for herself so we'll see how she is next week.

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