Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's a...

On the drive to the ultrasound appointment, Gabe and I were talking how sad it would be to not see all of Bella's clothes again if this one turned out to be a boy. I have felt different this pregnancy so thought maybe it could be a boy, but I really have no idea. We would love to have one of each, but would be happy either way.

After a long wait at the office the tech and doctor confirmed that this little one is a girl!!

Bell can't wait to meet her new baby sister. Gabe and I were a little sad for maybe 30 seconds or so knowing that we wouldn't have a boy, but that passed quickly knowing we will have a wonderful little girl - plus getting to see all of those cute clothes again..

Baby girl looks healthy as can be, and is measuring in the 50th percentile. At 20 weeks Bella measured in the 50th percentile as well, but ended up in the 97th when she was actually born. That could have been because of all the Swedish fish and Gummie Bears I ate in my last weeks of pregnancy though :) We'll just have to wait and see if we have another chunky monkey on our hands...

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