We went to visit Santa with some friends this year. Most of them went ahead of her and were very brave while sitting on his lap. Bell was pretty nervous but warmed up a little bit after he Santa gave her a present. She looks like a deer caught in headlights, but at least she isn't screaming in terror this year.
The silly things we do as parents... We tell our kids not to talk to strangers, but at Christmas time we convince them to sit on a strange man's lap and smile for the camera :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Picture with Santa
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Gingerbread House..
Bella and Eli had a fantastic time decorating a gingerbread house, and were happy playing for more than an hour. Asking for more "glue" for them to be able apply the candies with - periodically we would spin the house so that they would decorate more than one spot. They even managed to keep the area pretty neat and tidy...I was thankful for the easy cleanup :)
What was most surprising about whole morning, was that these little 2 1/2 year olds played with candy all morning and neither one ate a single piece.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It's a...
After a long wait at the office the tech and doctor confirmed that this little one is a girl!!
Bell can't wait to meet her new baby sister. Gabe and I were a little sad for maybe 30 seconds or so knowing that we wouldn't have a boy, but that passed quickly knowing we will have a wonderful little girl - plus getting to see all of those cute clothes again..
Baby girl looks healthy as can be, and is measuring in the 50th percentile. At 20 weeks Bella measured in the 50th percentile as well, but ended up in the 97th when she was actually born. That could have been because of all the Swedish fish and Gummie Bears I ate in my last weeks of pregnancy though :) We'll just have to wait and see if we have another chunky monkey on our hands...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Play group Halloween Party
Our Halloween / baking swap party was at Caroline's this year. The parents and kids had a fantastic time - of course : ) Poor Ben, had a fever so we are missing our ghost.
We asked the kids to line up, but apparently they thought it was for a police line up, with them all evenly spread apart. We asked them to get a little closer and this is as far as we could get them... Soon enough Grace and Bell will be fighting the boys off : )
Costumes -
Issac - a Dragon
Grace - a Green Duck
Peter - a Fireman
Sawyer - a bottle of Ketchup
Bella - Woody (from Toy Story)
Eli - an Elephant (not shown is the fantastic padded butt of his costume)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Purple Make-up
Bella loves make-up, she is quite the girly girl! Almost everyday she asks for either the purple or pink make-up I keep in my purse. "Mama, purple make-up please". She has her own "make-up" (chapstick) that she is allowed to use anytime, but of course Mama's is way better.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kiss Baby?
Monday, July 20, 2009
We passed...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wait for me!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What are you trying to say?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My make-up
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
788 days later...
Monday, May 25, 2009
"Like Daddy"
Gabe has a bad cold right now. At times he is a little phlegmy so needs to clear his throat and spit. Gross, but whatever he's sick and he doesn't do it around me, so no big deal. Apparently, he has done it around Bella though. She now makes a gross noise, like she is trying to clear her throat and then tries to spit. Thankfully, she hasn't perfected the art of spitting because I think that make this new trick a little too gross. Once she is done, she says "like daddy".
Friday, May 22, 2009
Oops, whould have been better...
Setting the scene:
Me standing in the kitchen making dinner.
Gabe walking into our bedroom.
Bella following Gabe to the bedroom.
This is what I hear: Bella having a big "huff" then "F**king Christ"!
Gabe and I look at each other "did that actually come out of our 2 years olds mouth"? Neither of us said anything, we figured it would be better to just ignore it, and pretend it didn't happen. I burst out laughing two minutes later though, I couldn't hold it in any longer.
Not our proudest moment at parents, but at least it wasn't in public. Now, if we can just make sure she doesn't say it again. I guess it would help if we watched our mouths a little better :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Number 16
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mama's like daddy
We recently shaved our heads and donated it to Locks of Love. Gabe did his a couple of days before I had mine done. Which is why Bell now says "Mama's like daddy," and comes over and rubs my bald head.
It is funny to think that Bella has the longest hair at our house now. We'll see how long that lasts : )
It is very liberating. Although, I do sometimes forget that I'm bald and wonder why people are staring at me. Kids give me some odds looks at the play ground these days : )
Friday, April 10, 2009
Matress fun..
Bell loves when we have house guests. Not only does she get the extra attention from whomever is here to visit her, but she loves to play on the air mattress that they sleep on.
Early in the morning she comes out and snuggles with in Uncle Drew and Aunt Karen. Later on in the day they play "fort" with the mattress. Which means they crawl under the covers and tickle each other, with Bella giggling and squealing while saying "more, more".
Sometimes it is tough to tell what makes her sadder to say goodbye to, the guest or the air mattress.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Backpack baby
Grammie made this fantastic backpack carrier for Bell to use with her babies. I carry Bell using this same style of carrier, so loves pretending to be Mama. She sings her babies the backpack song - which of course is adorable. "I'm a backpack baby, yes I am" and repeat. Thanks for the great gift Grammie!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Good to bad fast...
One of Bell's favourite things to do these days is to draw on the sidewalk with her chalk. After they finished drawing, Nana and Papa took her to an open house across the street - which is one of their favourite things to do : ) While they were looking around the house, Bell let out a man sized burp. Apparently, my mom thought it was my dad with no manners - nope that was our Bell. A couple of seconds later she started throwing up all over the place - poor thing! My dad came rushing home with Bell covered in vomit, to get her cleaned up. While mom stayed behind to clean up the mess. Thankfully, it was on the hard wood and not carpet. We are hoping that she just ate too many banana chips, and that it isn't the flu.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'm a big girl now!
Today things seemed to be a little different. Bell and I were taking a shower together this morning; she was making a strange face and playing with her bits. I asked her if she wanted to use the potty, "Ya"! I called for Gabe to bring us the potty. She sat on it in the shower while playing with her wall paints, and Gabe and I signing song with her. "I peed Mama"! She may never pee again, because she won't always have the fun of the shower, songs, and art :) Who knows what will happen, no pressure...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
They grow up so fast!
Bella: Money please, Mama.
Me: Here you are Bella. (Hand Bella my purse containing money, and keys)
Bella: Thank you Mama. Cards please, Mama
Me: Here you are Bella. (Hand Bella some old gift cards)
Bella: Ok bye, bye Mama. (Waves, signs I love you, and walks to the door)
Me: Where are you going?
Bella: Coffee with girlfriends! (Looking at me like I should have known this all along)
At least she knows what she needs to take with her when she meets the ladies : )
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mama, I fell...
We have now taken the rails off one side of her crib and we'll see how that goes. I'm not looking forward to her hopping out of bed all the time...I guess this is what happens when we let them grow up : ) We have a queen size bed in storage waiting for her if this crib conversion doesn't go as planned.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Papa needs a hair cut.
The first time she really looked at the one dollar bill she decided that George Washington was Papa, Papa, Papa! I'm taking that as a sign that Papa might need a hair cut : ) It is too cute, when she has the bill in her hand - she says "call Papa, call Nana and Papa". This happens quite often around 7am which is much too early to call. Which then turns into repeated "Nana, Papa seeping" for the rest of the morning!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Yesterday, she did the same thing. She asked me to call Nana so that she could talk - had nothing to say once we got on the phone. SMOOCH, "bye bye, see you", I love you - but then wouldn't hand the phone back to me. She needed Gabe to talk to Nana even though he has his hands full putting up shelves.