Wednesday, May 27, 2009

788 days later...

788 days in and finally Bell stayed in her bed until 6am today! What a dream, who knows how long it will last but at least it happened...maybe this means it will happen again sometime : ) She still woke up a couple of times before Gabe came to bed. Asking for water and needing to be tucked in again, she goes back to sleep so easily then, that is barely counts. Plus, I'm asleep then, so it really doesn't count for me : ) We are feeling so grateful with our current sleep situation, normally she just crawls into bed with us anywhere between 2 -5am. Now, if it is only going to get later and later in the morning - Fantastic!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Like Daddy"

Warning: Kind of a gross topic.

Gabe has a bad cold right now. At times he is a little phlegmy so needs to clear his throat and spit. Gross, but whatever he's sick and he doesn't do it around me, so no big deal. Apparently, he has done it around Bella though. She now makes a gross noise, like she is trying to clear her throat and then tries to spit. Thankfully, she hasn't perfected the art of spitting because I think that make this new trick a little too gross. Once she is done, she says "like daddy".

Friday, May 22, 2009

Oops, whould have been better...

We don't say "opps" enough at our house. Apparently, we use other expletives, and they have passed through our little girls ears, and now her mouth.

Setting the scene:
Me standing in the kitchen making dinner.
Gabe walking into our bedroom.
Bella following Gabe to the bedroom.

This is what I hear: Bella having a big "huff" then "F**king Christ"!

Gabe and I look at each other "did that actually come out of our 2 years olds mouth"? Neither of us said anything, we figured it would be better to just ignore it, and pretend it didn't happen. I burst out laughing two minutes later though, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Not our proudest moment at parents, but at least it wasn't in public. Now, if we can just make sure she doesn't say it again. I guess it would help if we watched our mouths a little better :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Number 16

Tooth number 16 poked through sometime today. Gabe said that it must have been the explanation for all the wake ups last night. Now, that she is sleeping in her own bed it is Gabe who deals with the evening wake ups most of the time, so I knew nothing about them. Which I have to say is a beautiful thing : ) Too bad she didn't tell us that her teeth were hurting her though, we would have given her some Tylenol for the pain.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mama's like daddy

We recently shaved our heads and donated it to Locks of Love. Gabe did his a couple of days before I had mine done. Which is why Bell now says "Mama's like daddy," and comes over and rubs my bald head.

It is funny to think that Bella has the longest hair at our house now. We'll see how long that lasts : )

It is very liberating. Although, I do sometimes forget that I'm bald and wonder why people are staring at me. Kids give me some odds looks at the play ground these days : )