Monday, April 28, 2008

Chatty bird

Bella was walking around the house today flapping her arms like little wings, and talking the whole time. She did this for at least a half hour - it was super cute! We called Gabe so that he could hear too, but she stopped chatting as soon as she saw the phone.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our little reader....

For a few weeks Gabe was teaching Bella about the best way to read books, which is sitting on dad's lap. He would sit down on the floor and pat his leg and she would come and sit down. Now, she walks up to us with the book, and if we aren't in the right position, she somehow maneuvers herself to be on our lap and then we read away... She also backs up her little butt into funny!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bears oh my!!

We finally got around to hanging some art today. We have two Jimmy Wright paintings that are from this series, and Bella seems to love them. I don't know if she is just noticing them now because the walls have been bare for the past 6 weeks, or if she is old enough now to like them. We had them hanging in the old place as well - but then she wasn't as mobile, so didn't see them as often I guess. Now she goes up to them and points at them - so cute. Gabe brought her to them when she was upset, and it seemed to calm her down. We will have to work on teaching her the sign for bear.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Bella now runs with her walker! She loves it so much that she wouldn't let go of it when Gabe brought her to bed last night. Pretty cute to see her being lifted while holding this huge thing, and it ending up in bed with us :) She let go once she saw that milk was coming - milk always wins!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Bella looks like Frankenstein when she is walking these days, it is pretty hilarious. She is very is so cute to watch!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If only she could spit...

Poor Bella, she has had her first cough for the last 5 days, and life would be so much easier if she could spit. She is super congested, making it tough to breath while eating as well. Thankfully, she no longer has a fever, and is in good spirits so things seem to be looking up.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Baby's First Sign

Bella started signing milk today. She does it to both Gabe and I, so we think for her it really means Mama. When she signs milk I try and feed her and sometimes she is interested and sometimes not, but she does want to sit with me or have my attention at the time. Which is why we think it means Mama. Pretty cool that she is trying to communicate though!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Who knew??

Who knew that such a small amount of hair could get greasy?? I guess that means we need to bath her a little more often - what neglectful parents she has : )

Although, it appears as though she has no hair a lot of new growth has come in recently. Enough so that when in the tub we can pour water to one side and make a part - it's hilarious.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saftey First

Bella has learned to get off the couch safely - wahoo. She now crawls to the edge turns herself around, and slides down feet first. What a smart cookie. On the ottoman it is super cute to watch her decide which side she wants to slide off, tough choices : ) Next step - having her learn to do that on the bed, which is a much bigger fall.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

14 Steps!!!

While I was at our local coffee shop getting a much needed break, Bella took 14 steps unaided. Gabe said that it was a few steps at a time, pause for a few seconds, and then a few more steps...and repeat! Very soon we will have a true walker on our hands...scary!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

So much fun!

Drinking out of a big girl cup is the best thing ever! Bella points at a water glass now and grunts until we give her a drink. She takes a big gulp, swallows a little and spits out most of it, ending up rather soaked. I'm hoping that she will start drinking a little more water this way and then possibly start drinking it out of her cups as well. I can always dream...