Uncle Drew and Aunt Karen had a very long wait at the boarder, but finally made it to our house for a visit. Of course I freaked Drew out with breastfeeding - poor guy! Karen and Bella had some good snuggle time - that is before she got sad : )
Updating friends and family on Bella's adventures!!
This is the photo that I am going to use for her birth announcement - I think it is the cutes picture we have to date. This is a little bear outfit that mom bought for her, and it is the cutest, softest, fluffiest thing ever!!! I only wish that it was a little colder out these days and she could wear it more often.
Life doesn't get much more peaceful than this! If only we could get her to be this calm all the time : ) I'm sure we will figure out tricks and ways to soothe her over the coming weeks....hopefully!
Poor Bella has issues with HUGE throw up messes. We burp her and this is what happens sometimes, hopefully she will out grow this. The sad thing is we can tell that she has a burp in there and she is so upset and sad until she lets it out and produces this mess. I had Gabe run and get the camera before we took her clothes off this time, she was like "why are you taking my photo and leaving me in this mess". I'm sure she is going to be very upset with us later in life for taking this picture : )
I tried to stay in mama's belly long enough to be your birthday present, but I couldn't wait to meet you all so I had to come out. Hope you don't mind too much.
This was the first time that we put Bella in her swing. We are pretty sure that it is going to become a life saver!